Flat Granite Marker

Flat Grass markers are set flush to the ground. Their limited size, however, does not eliminate the opportunity to personalize this marker. The size and shape are more set than the other markers, but the choice of color remains, as well as opting to use custom design or shape or a unique inscription.


Great staff, very compassionate people. Great service and prices.

-Fred Kidd

Great Service and Prices

Thank you so much (again). It was a pleasure to have all the stones taken care of like they were meant to be. You and the company is a very good company and people to do business with. I will pass along your good work and your kindness. Again thank you and God bless.

-Mrs. Jean Huff

A Very Good Company

Becky, I just want to say thank you to you and Todd for taking the extra care with our wishes. The memorial is beautiful. We couldn’t ask for a better-looking/quality product. Our imagination came to life. Thank you so very much for working so hard.

-Karen, Lucy, and Lauren

Our imagination came to life.